Igor Linnik: "Shevchenko clearly understands the knot of problems that the new UAF team will have to untie"

Famous journalist Ihor Linnik has spoken out in connection with the election of Andriy Shevchenko as UAF president.

Igor Linnik

"After the election of Andriy Shevchenko as UAF president, I can say the following:

- he clearly understands the knot of problems that the new team will have to untie; he clearly sees their pernicious root and, apparently, knows how to uproot it. That's the main thing!

- he realises that the football pyramid in Ukraine has been destroyed in recent years, and it has been destroyed deliberately - to please not only individual ghouls, but also the lackeys from the seats adjacent to any power; not all of them have already realised this, but almost all of them will be told goodbye. This is eloquently evidenced by the composition of the Executive Committee of the UAF.

- The new management team has also outlined the "nationalisation" of the resource base of the ghouls and lackeys - through a process of digitalisation. I absolutely know that the emergence of a single register of registered footballers (not only professional footballers) was artificially slowed down for decades! Moreover, even at the level of local federations, which in their former form, with their former functionality are simply not needed!

- The reconstruction of the football pyramid is already on the agenda: children's - youth - amateur - professional - top level. Which means regeneration of the natural blood flow within our entire football system!

- Building a balanced relationship with clubs, the topic of arbitration and the liquidation of the Blokhin-Belanov and Baranka-Lucha pension funds, I believe, will be surprisingly routine. Although, as usual, the lion's share of attention of our media and the public fed by them will be focused on this very issue.

- If anyone thinks that Shevchenko's arrival in the UAF is the crown of his managerial career in football, I think he is very wrong. But everything has its time...," Linnyk wrote on his Facebook page.

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  • Supporter S(Supporter) - Опытный писатель
    25.01.2024 22:57
    При всій повазі, Шева менталітетом від ватника Каладзе далеко не пішов. А той Линник в кабінетах треться років 30, навчився грамотно підгавкувати.
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