"Dynamo at the training camp in Turkey. Day four. Only Yarmolenko, Benito and Diallo train under a separate programme

Dynamo Kyiv continues its preparations for the second part of the season at the training camp in Turkey. On Thursday, as in the previous three days of the training camp, Oleksandr Shovkovskyi's team held two training sessions on the green lawn.

The morning session began with a vigorous warm-up. Vitaliy Kulyba, the physical training coach, offered the players new and interesting exercises, which they performed with genuine enthusiasm.

The work with balls began with an exercise in which the players competed in two teams, playing exclusively with their heads.

In general, the session consisted of game exercises during which the team worked on technical skills and teamwork, in particular, practicing ball control, pressing, working on the quality of passes and shots. The training session traditionally ended with a series of shots from the penalty line on goal, which is usually not a mandatory exercise, but is popular with both field players and goalkeepers.

On Thursday, almost all the players joined the main group. Apart from Andriy Yarmolenko, only Benito and Samba Diallo worked under a separate programme - both did more running work while the main group worked with the balls.

The team's evening training session was full of tactical exercises and game simulations. Much attention was paid to practising standard positions, including corner kicks. And after the training session, there were still players on the pitch who wanted to work on their shots on goal.

On Friday, Dynamo will play its first match of the year. In a control match, Oleksandr Shovkovskyi's team will meet Balkani (Kosovo). The game will start at 16:00 Kyiv time (17:00 local time) at the training field of the White and Blues near the hotel.
