Former President of the Football Federation of Ukraine Anatoliy Konkov commented on the election of Andriy Shevchenko as the head of the UAF.
- The position of president of the Ukrainian Football Association is a completely different job than coaching and all other jobs in football. Therefore, you need to get to know it very deeply - to delve into it. In order to effectively solve all the tasks that Ukrainian football will face in the future. Let's hope that the new president will be a good one," Konkov was quoted as saying byUV.
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"Очільникам" на прізвище коньков та павелко треба взагалі заборонити що-небудь казати про УАФ та український футбол в цілому, щоб не ганьбити ні гру мільйонів, ні Україну! Після їх "глубокава азнакамленія" ми ще роками будемо розгрібати що там один пропив, а других накрав!