Anatoliy Konkov: "The position of UAF president is a completely different job than coaching and all other jobs in football"

Former President of the Football Federation of Ukraine Anatoliy Konkov commented on the election of Andriy Shevchenko as the head of the UAF.

Anatoly Konkov

- The position of president of the Ukrainian Football Association is a completely different job than coaching and all other jobs in football. Therefore, you need to get to know it very deeply - to delve into it. In order to effectively solve all the tasks that Ukrainian football will face in the future. Let's hope that the new president will be a good one," Konkov was quoted as saying byUV.

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  • oleg rudko(shevafan) - Опытный писатель
    26.01.2024 20:42
    І це говорить геній,що замість того щоб хоч по факсу відправити заявку на проведення Евро-2020--займався своєю секретаркою,а 2014 взагалі відмінив матч зі збірною США,коли тільки Суркіс на Кіпрі його провів за власний рахунок--через таких як він ми грали на Евро не на НСК "Олімпійський",а у Румунії,промовчав би тихенько.
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