Vitalii Kvartsianyi: "Everyone understands that our refereeing has not given the positive impetus that was expected with the arr

Famous Ukrainian coach Vitaliy Kvartsyaniy expressed his opinion on the refereeing in the Ukrainian championship.

Vitaly Kvartsyanyi

"Everyone understands that our refereeing has not given the positive impetus that was expected with the arrival of the Italians. Most likely, it has remained at the same level, and the level is low. It was corrupt and organised. Everyone understood it, but everyone endured it because there was nowhere else to go. And so it went on from year to year.

Personally, some of my colleagues and I said: "Andriy Mykolayovych, if you are tough from the first day, you don't need these... a month... judges were spared... we won't remove them for a month... Then he judges again and does the same thing again". Impunity breeds repetition of negative actions. It is necessary, for example, for the judicial committee to select a person who will be tough, independent and controlling. It's not like a football player who played in the national team, who understands: "after a hangover", "before the wedding", and "during the wedding".

How did this referee judge? You can feel it right away. And then the commission comes along and does everything it can to justify him and humiliate everyone who has complaints. And all the coaches and players are treated like fools. Why such an approach? The Italians have done nothing to remove this entire refereeing system, which spoils the qualifications of clubs and coaches," Kvartsyanyi said on the Profootball programme.

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  • николай соляник(nikosol) - Эксперт
    27.01.2024 16:37
    все як завжди !! Кварцяний знову правий на всі 100% !! італійці нічого нового в суддівський корпус не принесли ! я б сказав навпаки стало ще гірше ніж до того було !! лише зарплати суддям зрости в 5 разів !але кваліфікації це суддям аж ніяк не принесло !!дуже сподіваюся на Шевченка і його команду !! дуже сподіватися хочу що не буде корупційної складової як це було при Павелку але він так досі за це не відповів ??!! до речі де він зараз ?? може хтось пояснити ?!!
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