Oleksandr Ishchenko: "I hope that with the arrival of Andriy Shevchenko and Serhiy Rebrov there will be changes for the better"

Oleksandr Ishchenko, head of the Dynamo Kyiv Academy, commented on the election of Andriy Shevchenko as head of the UAF.

Alexander Ishchenko

- In my opinion, first of all, it is necessary to establish a relationship between the institutions of national teams and children's and youth football. After all, over the past few years, the committee that was supposed to deal with these issues had only a name - the national teams committee. It did not work. There was no interaction between the heads of football schools and the structure that deals with these issues in the Football Federation.

I hope that with the arrival of Andriy Shevchenko and Serhiy Rebrov, there will be changes and progress in this matter. For me personally, this is a very painful issue. I think we will establish these relations, which will benefit all of our football. We will bring our children's and youth football to a new quality level," said Ishchenko.

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  • Сергей Сантин(santana-s) - Начинающий писатель
    27.01.2024 23:55
    Сподівань багато. Але.... Але у свій час було багато сподівань на Протасова, Дем"яненка, Михайличенка, Бєланова, Блохіна. Але за крадені гроші усі ці колись поважні футболісти дружно лягли під павелку. Так що тільки час покаже чи справдяться ці наші сподівання.
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