The coach, who was recently interested in Dynamo Kyiv, may take charge of the Latvian national team

Polish coach Marek Papshun, who, according to media reports, was of interest to Dynamo Kyiv in the first half of the current season, may take charge of the Latvian national team, Sporta Avize reports.

Marek Papshun

According to the publication, the 49-year-old specialist is one of four candidates for the position of the Latvian national team coach.

In addition to Papshuns, the Latvian Football Federation shortlist includes Lithuanian Valdas Dambrauskas, Swede Janne Andersson and Italian Paolo Nicolato.

We would like to add that the post of the head coach of the Latvian national team is currently vacant: the previous head coach of the national team, Dainis Kazakevicias, was dismissed in December 2023.
