Paul Scholes criticised Oleksandr Zinchenko

Legendary English midfielder Paul Scholes has criticised Arsenal's Ukrainian defender Oleksandr Zinchenko, who during yesterday's match against Nottingham Forest (2-1) in the English league, moved from the defensive midfield position several times.

Словесная перепалка Зинченко и Артеты

Scholes was unhappy with the actions of Zinchenko, moving from the position of left-back, as he regularly does in Arteta's team, into midfield when controlling the ball.

"Moving a defender into the centre of midfield is an insult to a central midfielder .... I think he should be told to get back out," Scholes wrote on his Instagram page during the match.

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  • A G(Toha111) - Эксперт
    31.01.2024 13:17
    Через це Скоулз і не тренує топ-команди, що не розуміє взаємодію гравців на полі.
    Та й взвгалі, цей колись класний гравець, не вперше висловлює невдовлення Зінченком.
    А от Артета щось не ігнорує його.
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