Sergei Yuran admitted to deliberately breaking the legs of an opponent

Former Dynamo Kyiv striker Serhiy Yuran recalled the case when he deliberately caused a serious injury to an opponent when he was young.

Сергей Юран

"Was there a deed in the game career, for which I am ashamed to this day? Perhaps for the one when I was in youth football. I went to play for the USSR national team and at the tournament in Italy broke a guy's two legs. We played with Argentina, he spat in my face, and I jumped from behind and broke his two legs.

This act still sometimes appears in my head. I see, because of my youth, I was about 16 at the time. I couldn't cope with the malice he did, but it wasn't necessary to behave like that," Yuran said in an interview with Russian media.

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  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    31.01.2024 15:11
    Це показує, що ти, юран, був з дитинства падлом,... і що через роки ти і став зрадником України... запроданець,ти за бабки змінив і громвдянство, і совість, честь!
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