Artur Mykytyshyn: "Oleksandriya didn't get on with the coach"

Kryvbas newcomer Artur Mykytyshyn, who joined the club from Oleksandriya, told us why he left Ruslan Rotan's team.

Артур Микитишин (фото:

- "When I came to Oleksandriya, I still had echoes of the injury I suffered in Kryvbas - damage to the back of my thigh. That's why I didn't train at all for the first month at the new club. Gradually, I started training in the main group and suffered another injury. So almost six months without football, unfortunately, took its toll. The game didn't go well, plus we didn't get on with the coach, so we decided to part ways with the club," Sport Express quotes Mykytyshyn as saying.
