Alexander Aliyev wiped his feet on the Russian flag (VIDEO)

Former Dynamo footballer Oleksandr Aliyev, who now serves in the AFU, wiped his feet on the Russian flag.

Александр Алиев. Фото: С. Крылатов,

"Hello everyone. Guys, now everyone will see - this is how I go into the bath - and this is how I wipe my feet against the pi******* flag. Death to the Russians, glory to Ukraine! Hugged everyone," Aliyev said in a video he posted on his Instagram page.

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  • Юра(Dynamo_s_Dnepra) - Наставник
    01.02.2024 18:14
    А ти звідти воняєш, чи з пропуканого дивану?
    • 3