'Mudrick is not even worth £7' - British expert

Former English footballer Jamie O'Hara, who now works as an expert on British television, after yesterday's match of the 23rd round of the championship of England Chelsea - Wolverhampton (2:4) spoke about the real transfer value of the Ukrainian midfielder of the London club Mykhailo Mudryk.

Джейми О’Хара

- "Chelsea is just something. There are players with eight-year contracts in the team, but I wouldn't even offer them one-year contracts. Mudrick is not even worth £7. He lost the ball 15 times in the match against Wolverhampton. Absolute shock! If you are a Chelsea fan, you must be ashamed to watch your team now," O'Hara said on SkySports.

Recall, Chelsea acquired Mudryk for 100 million euros from Shakhtar Donetsk.
