"Can someone explain to me what else Mudrick is good at, apart from being an Olympic sprinter?" - Liverpool legend

Liverpool football legend Steve Nicol has criticised Chelsea's Ukrainian midfielder Mykhailo Mudryk of London.

Стив Никол

"Some Chelsea footballers do not have a high football intelligence. For example, Mykhailo Mudryk. In an open game with a lot of space with the pace he has, he will probably look good. But what is his potential in terms of football intelligence? Does he have any at all? It seems to me that he doesn't.

And in general. Can someone explain to me what else Mudryk is good at besides being an Olympic sprinter?", Nicol said on ESPN FC.

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  • Руслан Жук - Наставник
    05.02.2024 12:43
    Якщо у вас така логіка, то чому ви обидва чи не най активніші після поразок Динамо в товариських матчах. Входить - трави и українця не можна, а українську команду, після поразки в товарняку на зборах можна?
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