Mircea Lucescu: "I follow the situation in Dinamo Bucharest with anxiety"

Former Dinamo head coach Mircea Lucescu has expressed concern over the situation with Dinamo Bucharest.

"I follow the situation in Dinamo Bucharest with anxiety and realise that the mistakes made are reflected in today's team. It requires attention, patience, organisation. Many fans, who have reached a certain maturity and financial independence, think about the possibility to help Dinamo.

"Dynamo needs a new stadium. I am convinced that when the start of its construction is announced, there will be a great competition, especially among the fans. There are a lot of things worth discussing. Those who managed Dynamo during a certain period, when everything was perfect and everyone rejoiced at the team's successes, should return.

Everything is cyclical, such a moment will come. People who know how to manage this club will come. Young, enthusiastic people who love Dynamo will definitely come," Lucescu said on PlaySport Live.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    06.02.2024 13:58
    Мірча Михайловичу, краще б Ви в свій час краще слідкували за ситуацією в київському "Динамо' ...
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