Roman Zozulya: "I have nothing to do with Voloshin's transfer to Real Madrid"

Former Dynamo forward Roman Zozulya has reiterated that he is not involved in agency work.

Роман Зозуля

"I was in Turkey, I visited the guys. I miss Ukrainian football. I haven't seen anyone for almost 5 years, so.... I just came to visit the boys to relax a bit and watch football, to support them. I am watching and observing. At this stage, I'm a little bit interested in the direction of work of a football agent, but it's too early to announce that I'm some kind of agent.

I have nothing to do with Voloshin's move to Real Madrid - I helped Voloshin get to Mahadaonda, and from there he moved to Real Madrid - it's all his merit. Now, as long as we have a war going on, I don't see myself anywhere at this stage, when we win the war, then we will think and work, restore football and everything else. Now I'm studying the market," Zozulya was quoted as saying by Polissia's official website.
