Serhiy Nagornyak: "There are no footballers like Sudakov in Ukraine"

Former Shakhtar player Serhiy Nagornyak has spoken about the transfer prospects of Donetsk's star Georgiy Sudakov.

Сергій Нагорняк

- There are no players like Sudakov in Ukraine, and there are few in the world. Heorhii is a clear top ten, a kind of football conductor. He is a good passer. His non-standard actions are especially valuable, when Georgy passes to the area where no one expects them. And most importantly, he can make decisions very quickly on the pitch.

It's unlikely that Sudakov is suited to the Italian championship. It is a very closed football with an emphasis on defence. It will be difficult for Georgy to show his abilities. It will also be difficult in England, as Georgy lacks the anthropometry for this championship. But Spain is the right place for him. They play football themselves and let others play," the expert is sure.

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  • Eugene61 Dynamo(Eugene61) - Наставник
    12.02.2024 19:03
    Помнится, этот чудо- эксперт, после первой игры Мудрика за Челси с Ливерпулем, учил Цыганкова, что вот мол с кого Вите надо брать пример. В чем конкретно чел не уточнил. Чем всё закончилось все помнят.
    Этот Нагорняк был еще и чудо- тренером. Тренировал сборную по юношам, и умудрился в группе проиграть всем, в том числе и какой то карликовой стране, типа Фарер.
    Теперь похоже, не тренирует, не дает советы. Теперь он оценщик. Ну-ну...
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