Ukrainian and Italian football associations sign memorandum of cooperation (PHOTOS)

On 8 February 2024, the Ukrainian and Italian football associations signed a memorandum of cooperation in Paris.

The IFA and UAF have a long history of cooperation, confirmed by the implementation of numerous joint initiatives to support Ukrainian citizens, including young footballers, since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine. Now the partner associations are launching a new project. It is the implementation of joint technical training activities at the Coverciano Centre with the participation of young Ukrainian players and coaches.

"I am proud that Ukraine has chosen Italy to launch such an important cooperation, both in terms of football and values," said IFA President Gabriele Gravina, "We have always been at the side of our Ukrainian friends through solidarity initiatives to help improve the living conditions of ordinary people, as well as sports projects, providing opportunities for thousands of young people who have fled war to register. We will now provide an even more structured pathway for technical cooperation that aims to secure the future of Ukrainian football. Andriy and I have been friends for a long time, and I wish him every success in his new position."

"Italy has always been my second home, filled with unforgettable memories. I am grateful to every Italian for their constant support since the first day of the full-scale war in Ukraine. And I look forward to implementing joint projects for the development of Ukrainian football," said Andriy Shevchenko.

The two national associations intend to strengthen and develop relations of friendship and technical cooperation, helping coaches and young players to realise their human and professional potential, as well as to participate in sports and educational activities in Italy.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    13.02.2024 15:44
    Добра справа, але сподіваюсь, що цей не не про італійських "кураторів" (промені-бублики) ...
    • 3