Roten: "If Messi comes to the Olympics in Paris, we should boo him"

Former PSG footballer Jerome Roten has spoken critically about Lionel Messi's ability to play for Argentina at the Olympics to be held in France in the summer of 2024.

Ліонель Мессі, Getty Images

"Messi's performances have never been up to par. He signed a contract with PSG to shine at the World Cup. We knew very well that this was a great place to live... a place where he could not stress. He won his World Cup.

I would like to see him booed. We need to show him that we are very unhappy with the image he has created for PSG, Paris and France. Let him know that when he returns to Paris, he will not feel welcome on the red carpet," RMC Sport quoted Roten as saying.

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  • auto-kreativshik22
    Kreativshik (Влад Стефанов) - Наставник
    15.02.2024 23:57
    Что-то где-то помню о Ротене-знакомая фамилия, или может французкая, а может название круасана в пригороде Парижа?! зато знаю Месси, хз какого кратного обладателя золотого мяча, спокойного и нескандального человека.. и если даже месси и приедет на олимпиаду, как и наш ярмола, то автографы будут брать у них и фоткаться с ними, а не с тобой, банальный и низкопробный подстрекатель
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