"Shakhtar have a strategic advantage," says expert

Former Shakhtar midfielder Adrian Pukanic told us what outcome he expects in the Donetsk team's clash with Marseille.

Адриан Пуканыч

- "So far, the chances are 50-50. But the strategic advantage is on Shakhtar's side, who have made sure that they can play and win with this Marseille side. As for the pre-match predictions, it seemed that the favourites were the Citizens, who had an advantage in game practice and a more "star-studded" squad. However, not everything happened as expected.

You know, it's like assessing the capabilities of Shakhtar's short legionnaire Eginaldo in a fight on the second floor with the burly Marseille stopper. However, thanks to the right choice of position, a high jump and a well-aimed pass from his partner, it was the Brazilian who won the riding duel and saved the nominal hosts from defeat in stoppage time. As you can see, the main thing is skill," said Pukanic.

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