Mourinho: "There is a chance Manchester United will win the Premier League title in 2017/18"

Former Manchester United coach Jose Mourinho believes he can still win the Premier League title with the Mancunians despite his sacking in 2018. He suggested that Manchester City's potential breaches of financial fair play rules could create an opportunity for the Red Devils to win the title.

Жозе Моурінью, Getty Images

Mourinho, who was in charge of MU between 2016 and 2018, finished sixth in his first season and tied with Manchester City in the second. Despite being sacked in December 2018, the Portuguese proudly recalls his time at Old Trafford.

"Maybe there's a chance we can win this league, no? Because if Man City are found guilty of breaking the rules of financial fair play, they will lose a few points and maybe we will win the title!" Mourinho said in a conversation with Rio Ferdinand, which was published on the former MU player's YouTube channel.

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