Kateryna Monzul will head the UAF Arbitration Committee tomorrow, - Vatsko

According to Viktor Vatsko, a well-known Ukrainian commentator, the UAF Executive Committee will meet tomorrow to consider personnel issues.

Катерина Монзуль

Kateryna Monzul will become the new chairman of the Referees Committee, and she will stop her career as a referee for this purpose.

Luciano Luci, who, according to media reports, was to head the Referees' Committee until the end of the 2023/2024 season, will leave his post now.

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  • Фан Фанович - Читатель
    19.02.2024 20:29
    Виходячи з того, як вона судила протягом своєї кар'єри, в роботі суддів мало що зміниться. Шахта рулить
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