Oleh Dulub: "Our new legionnaires have learnt very quickly how to say hello in Ukraine"

Head coach of Cherkasy LNZ Oleg Dulub is satisfied with the adaptation-legionnaires who joined his team this winter.

Олег Дулуб

"I am satisfied with them. By the way, they adapted quickly and with the help of new teammates promptly learnt how to greet: "Glory to Ukraine!" - "Glory to Heroes!".

With their arrival, the competition for a place in the starting line-up became fierce, I hope that some of them will be candidates for leading roles.

This applies not only to Olivier Till (midfielder of the Luxembourg national team - ed.). Especially since he had only one training session at the training camp in Turkey, let's say, of a restorative nature, and he still needs some time to be in the proper playing tone," Sport.ua quoted Dulub as saying.
