It's official. Kateryna Monzul is the head of the Judicial Committee of Ukraine

On 20 February, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian Football Association took place at the Football House in Kyiv.

The UAF Executive Committee terminated the powers of all current chairmen, deputy chairmen and members of the UAF Standing Committees. After that, the Executive Committee, at the suggestion of the President of the Ukrainian Football Association Andriy Shevchenko, elected the chairmen of the following UAF standing committees:

Committee of National Teams - Andriy Shevchenko;

Professional Football Committee - Oleg Luzhny;

Children's and Youth Football Committee - Oleksandr Shevchenko;

Committee on Stadiums and Competition Safety - Andrii Taran;

Referees Committee - Kateryna Monzul;

Football Development Committee - Serhiy Vladyko (co-chairman), Oleksandr Kadenko (co-chairman);

Committee on the status and transfer of players - Yevheniia Yershova;

Sports and Medical Committee - Maksym Perebyinis;

Committee for the certification of football clubs - Viktor Bezsmertnyi;

Ethics and Fair Play Committee - Francesco Baranka.

The UAF Executive Committee decided to return to the issue of electing the chairman of the Women's and Girls' Football Committee after the election of the governing bodies of the All-Ukrainian Women's Football Association.

The chairmen of the standing committees were instructed to prepare and submit to the UAF President proposals for the quantitative and personal composition of the committees.

The executive committee also considered the additional security measures developed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for the organisation and holding of championships, cups, all-Ukrainian competitions among different age groups in Ukraine under martial law and made appropriate changes to the regulations of current football competitions in terms of fan admission.

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  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    20.02.2024 16:41
    Баранка!!!??? Знову?!
    Андрій Миколайович, що мафія безсмертна?!
    Вирішили піти назустріч Коллінні?...
    Ви думаєте, що щось зміниться на краще з міждународним суддівством??
    Коли якесь чеферіно вже два рази через СМІ офіційно наголосило, що на ЧС не баче Україну, а баче Уельс, а зараз, в 2024р, в грі на стикових мвтчах, це опудало, наголосило знову, що не бачить на ЧЄ, ні Україну, ні Ізраіль!
    Розчарували, ви пане президент...своїм баранкою...
    Цей баранка нехай би наводив порядок у своїй Італії...там більше корупції, ставок та договорняків...
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