Help for border guards from the Surkis Brothers Foundation and Dynamo

The full-scale military aggression of the terrorist country of Russia against Ukraine has been going on for more than two years. Every day, our brave soldiers repel the invaders' invasion, defending their homeland, their families and every fellow Ukrainian.

Similarly, every day the Ukrainian military has urgent needs. Some of them can be met by their own forces, but in most cases they need help from the home front - all those under their protection.

The Surkis Brothers Foundation together with FC Dynamo (Kyiv) receive many requests from the military, and none of them is left unattended. This time, a large truck loaded with bottled and still drinking water went from one of the capital's cargo terminals to a unit of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

This is another cargo for the military from the Surkis Brothers Foundation - the same truck was sent to the border guards last Friday, and another one will be sent at the end of this week. In general, the volume of cargo sent to Ukraine's defenders is measured in several lorries per week.

The military officer who represented the border guards during the delivery (he did not disclose his name and rank for security reasons) thanked the Surkis Brothers Foundation for the charitable assistance. These words make it worthwhile to continue to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces day after day and bring the long-awaited victory over the cruel enemy closer.
