Artem Milevskiy: "I fall asleep under the drip, and wake up only after 6 days... All in wires"

Former Dynamo Kyiv forward Artem Milevskiy told how he fell into a coma.

Artem Milevsky. Photo — V. Rasner

"We were watching football. Real Madrid - Union Berlin. I, as always at that time, gave jazz, rum sipped. My mate and I had an argument. He says, "Why don't we go for a drink?" I told him, "Let's wait. I didn't feel bad, but I knew it was time to get out of this state, and I kept putting it off and putting it off. In general, we bet that if Real won, I agreed and we went to the hospital.

90+4 minutes, Bellingham scores. "Real Madrid wins, we pack up and go. We arrived, back and forth, I think, I'll get some water and go home. But in the end it turned out so that they say "you need to stay". I don't panic, I stay, a day or two, do all the procedures and that's it, I'm free, go for a walk, come back, and as a result....

I fall asleep. Under the drip. And I don't wake up until six days later. But my first impression was that they gave me some sleeping pills and I slept for 20, 24 hours. I wake up, covered in wires. The guys are standing there, saying, "You've been asleep for six days." Well, as the doctors explained, I was in an artificial coma", - said Milevskiy.

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  • sedoj седой(sedoj) - Эксперт
    02.03.2024 11:35
    Дружили два кента. Один, на первый взгляд, недалёкий, добровольно пошёл в ВСУ защищать свою вторую Родину Украину, а второй, якобы "неординарная личность" и "легенда", проспал 6 дней в искусственной коме в проводах. И вот теперь этот второй недоволен первым за то, что тот начал "бить в колокола", чтобы спасти его. М-да, сюжетик...
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