In an interview with, UAF President Andriy Shevchenko spoke about the dialogue between the association and Adidas on possible cooperation.
- In February, you met with the CEO of Adidas. Does this indicate possible agreements on technical partnership?
- Our contract with Joma is coming to an end, and we have every right to meet with potential partners. Adidas is a great company, they have cooperated with us in the past. And I openly say that yes, we have a dialogue with them about possible cooperation.
- Is the contract with Joma not going to be extended?
- We are working on our options and have to choose the best one for us.
- Joma has been criticised because they operate in Russia.
- I am aware of that.
- Will you take this into account when signing a new contract?
- I will take everything into account.
Раніше форма Адідас була продумана, цікава, різнокольорова....а уже років з 20-25, змінилося в гіршу сторону - все одноманітне, чорного кольору, без видумки, форма чим то нагадує легку робу... видно, що у них змінився менеджмент з креативу та дізайну.
Так що на даний час у них залишився тільки бренд "adidas" ... а товар, майже весь, прімитив.