It's official. Yurii Kalytvintsev has decided to resign as coach of Polissia

President of Polissya Gennadiy Butkevych said that the team's coach Yuriy Kalytvintsev had decided to leave the club.

Yuri Kalitvintsev

"Yurii Mykolaiovych Kalytvintsev has decided to resign on his own. It was an extremely difficult decision for him, and for me to agree with him. Yuriy Kalitvintsev is a man I respect immensely. With each year of our cooperation, this respect has only grown stronger. We have developed a close and trusting relationship, which I value very much and will never forget what he has done for Polissya football club," Butkevych was quoted as saying on the Zhytomyr club's official website.

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  • Мр Эбенезер Дорсет, эсквайр(kna) - Эксперт
    11.03.2024 17:23
    Калитвинцев - це було єдине, що зі"язувало нас з Поліссям. Тепер тільки відраза від бріолінмена.
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