Zvyagel president Dmytro Kostiuk commented on the departure of head coach Serhii Shyshchenko to Polissia to replace the team's now ex-coach Yurii Kalytvintsev.

- We'll see how the events unfold. Shyshchenko is still the acting coach at Polissia and I hope he will return to us. Although, knowing Shyshchenko, he can win all the matches at Polissya, and then there will be a question of keeping him as head coach. This is my fear (laughs).
I believe that Polissia will win the next few matches for sure, and the question of keeping Shyshchenko will definitely arise, but I would like him to return to Zvyagel, because we need to win the Second League championship, and it will be difficult without him.
- What did you say to Shyshchenko before he left for Polissia?
- I blessed him, because he is going to the UPL and Polissia. But I hope he will return to us.
- Aren't you offended that it's the second time your coaches have been taken away from you in the middle of the season? First Maksymov to Dnipro-1, now Shyshchenko to Polissia.
- It's a cruel story, but this is the UPL. I think it's a good advertisement for Zvyagel, but let them take better players to glorify our club, and we need coaches ourselves. As for Shyshchenko, it's a complicated story: I want him to help Polissya and stay with us.
Maybe he will be like Lobanovskyi and combine two jobs (laughs). From a moral point of view, we couldn't help but let Maksymov and Shyshchenko go to UPL clubs that are fighting for European competitions. I would be a strange president of a second league club if I didn't let the coaches go to the UPL. And Polissia is our brother club. It is the first in the region, and Zvyagel is the second. If in the future Polissia is the first in the UPL and we are the second, it will be great.
- Now Kalytyntsev is out of work. Perhaps you should invite him to Zvyagel to replace Shyshchenko? Make a kind of a rotation.
- I wouldn't mind this option, but I'm afraid that we can't afford a coach like Kalitvintsev, with such a strong background and experience.
Andrii Piskun