Kolos goalkeeper and Ukraine's youth national team goalkeeper Kyrylo Fesyun responded to the Tribuna 's request to confirm the information that he had already passed a medical examination at Shakhtar and that the clubs had agreed on his transfer in the summer
- I am a player of Kolos football club (Kovalivka). "Shakhtar? Are you kidding me? Open the UPL website and you will see everything," Fesyun said.
1. Никто никуда не идет.
2. "Откройте сайт УПЛ !!!!"
и п 2 главный !
Там на сайте есть заявленные игроки...
... а если кого то нет то зачем целая УПЛ надстройка.
Молодец ... забрал таки два очечка из копилочки кротов.