News from the Ukrainian national team camp: arrival of Tsygankov and Taloverov, as well as the match between the Blues and the Y

On Saturday, Maksym Taloverov and Viktor Tsygankov joined the Ukrainian national team at the training camp in Spain, and the national team held a training session in a two-sided game format.

Saturday was different from the previous day of the training camp. This time, the Blue and Yellows did not have a morning training session, but they had intensive work in the evening.

In the morning, the team's camp was joined by Austrian LASC defender Maksym Taloverov, who had played 90 minutes for his club in the Austrian Bundesliga match against Rapid Vienna (0:0) the day before. Given his game load and flight the day before yesterday, Maksym limited himself to jogging in the evening while watching the two-sided game.

The game was played in the format of a series of games. The players were divided into two teams - "yellow" and "blue". During stoppages in the game, the coaching staff carried out a noticeable rotation within each team. The game ended with a 2-0 victory for the yellow team: Oleksandr Zinchenko and Georgiy Sudakov scored in the final period of the game, the latter scoring a great free-kick into the net.

In the end, the result of the match does not matter, as the two-sided game was just a stage in the preparation for the semi-final of the Euro qualifiers against Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tomorrow, six players of the youth national team will leave the national team, who have been responsibly and persistently fulfilling the tasks of the coaching staff, ensuring the preparation process. Now the guys will join the youth team, which starts its training camp tomorrow in Turkey - before the Euro 2025 qualifiers.

Just half an hour after the team returned from the evening training session, Girona midfielder Viktor Tsygankov arrived at the hotel. At the same time, his teammate Artem Dovbyk, as part of the Catalans, faced Getafe in Madrid in a Spanish La Liga match, which ended in a 0-1 defeat for the Ukrainian team. Artem, as well as another of our Spaniards, Andriy Lunin, who played the full match between Osasuna and Real Madrid (2-4) today, will join the national team tomorrow. Valencia's Roman Yaremchuk, like the rest of our legionnaires, will join the blue and yellows on 18 March - the day after his club's match.
