Artem Milevskiy returned to the football field, playing in a semi-professional league match (PHOTO)

Former Dynamo Kyiv forward Artem Milevskyy took part in the KSL semi-professional league match. This is reported by the official page of the tournament in the network Instagram.

Artem Milevsky

It is reported that Milevskyi played for the team "Golden Reserve", which won with the score 3:1, but Artem himself did not distinguish himself with any productive actions in the match.

We shall remind you that during his performances for Dynamo, Milevsky played 278 matches for Kyiv, having scored 86 goals.

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    20.03.2024 14:49
    У Милевского явный прогресс. Полгода тому назад даже и речи не могло быть, чтобы Милевский вышел на футбольное поле. Желаю Милевскому здорового образа жизни!
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