Press conference. Oleksandr Zinchenko: "I would like to achieve a positive result in 90 minutes"

Oleksandr Zinchenko, the midfielder of the Ukrainian national team, also took part in the press conference held today in Zenica by the head coach of the Ukrainian national team Serhii Rebrov, dedicated to tomorrow's semi-final play-off match of the Euro 2024 qualifying round with the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Alexander Zinchenko

- A few years ago, you already played against the Bosnians. What are your expectations from this opponent now?

- Of course, we know that it will be difficult because they have a great team, they have experienced players who can share their experience with others. Of course, every national team plays better in front of their fans. I hope we will show our best game.

- Many people say that the Ukrainian national team is the best in a long time. Do you feel any pressure as the team played in the quarter-finals of Euro 2020 led by Andriy Shevchenko? Do you feel that you have to go further?

- I don't know who can judge which team is better. We will leave this matter for other people. The Ukrainian national team is now changing generations, there are many young players and experienced ones. I think it's a great mix at the moment. I really hope that our team will reach heights. That's what we believe in. You can talk a lot, but it's another thing to show it on the pitch. We will choose the latter and try to show our best.

- How was the last week in Spain? What is the atmosphere in the team after a long break? What is your condition, as you have missed a lot?

- The atmosphere is great, we all understand why we came here, we are aware of our responsibilities. The preparations are going well. I hope we will be able to show it all on the pitch. As for my condition, I feel good physically and psychologically, I am 100 per cent ready.

- The Ukrainian national team practised taking a penalty. How do you feel about the possibility of a post-match series?

- These are the rules of the game. If we draw, then there will be extra time and penalties. Of course, I would like to achieve a positive result in 90 minutes, but in football you have to be ready for anything. That's why we practised this in training.
