Manchester United co-owner names main task for mentor Erik ten Hague

Manchester United co-owner Jim Ratcliffe wants to ensure that the team's coach is focused solely on football.

Jim Ratcliffe

It is reported that he wants to move away from the model where the head coach acted as a manager and supervised several departments of the club, as it was under Alex Ferguson.

The current Mancunian coach, Erik ten Hag, has also gone beyond the coaching role. He was involved in transfer planning and requested transfers of specific players.

In the new model from Ratcliffe, the head coach - ten Hag or another specialist - will focus only on football, while player recruitment and other managerial functions will be the responsibility of the club's new sporting director Dan Ashworth and general manager Omar Berrada.

By the way, the decision on whether Erik ten Hag will stay or go has not been made yet.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    23.03.2024 15:34
    Вузесенько, як на мене, для головного тренера, але то проблем МЮ.
    • 3