Igor Klimovsky: "I have never seen such a talented player..."

Ihor Klymovskyi, head coach of Kremenchuk, has named the most talented Ukrainian footballer in his opinion.

Igor Klimovsky

- I have never seen a player as talented as Grechyshkin. He had a great desire to become a footballer. He always stayed after training and did extra lessons. He dreamed of becoming a footballer and achieved it.

Why didn't he manage to get a foothold at Shakhtar? Back then, a lot of Brazilians were brought to Donetsk, including Dima's position. Perhaps this hindered Grechyshkin, because it was difficult to compete with the Brazilians. Or maybe there was not enough talent to develop at Shakhtar. "Lucescu put him in the first team for some time," said Klymovskyi.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    24.03.2024 22:13
    Ладно, даже, если и допустить, что г-н Климовский - супер-эксперт (т.е. не обратить внимание, что этим высказыванием он сам себе дал статус, мягко говоря, слабого "оценщика"), то какого рожна г-н Гречишкин НИГДЕ не выстрелил (там, где ему не мешали бразильцы)...., а именно.... Ильичёвец, Черноморец, Заря,
    Александрия, Генчлербирлиги, Сакарьяспор, сборная Украины...????)))))
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