Ukraine's national team held its last training session in Opalenytsia and will leave for Wroclaw today

The national team of Ukraine continues preparations in Opalenica, Poland, for the final play-off match of the Euro-2024 qualifying round with the national team of Iceland, which will take place tomorrow in another Polish city - Wroclaw. Yesterday, the Blue and Yellows worked on the same schedule as the day before. Before lunch - a theoretical lesson, in the evening - training on the field.

Unlike Saturday, Sunday was not rainy, but at the same time just as cold - only four to six degrees. During the evening session, it started to rain at one point, which, combined with the wind, created considerable discomfort. But fortunately, this sudden change in weather was short-lived, and the second part of the training session was without precipitation.

Yesterday, the Ukrainian national team trained in one group: all the performers present at the team's location took part in the session. After warming up and practicing passes, the guys got down to the main work. As part of the game series, Serhii Rebrov set the players appropriate tasks, developing schemes for the decisive match. Just like before the match with the Bosnians, the Blue and Yellows coach is actively rotating players in positions, so all the players have a chance to prove their readiness to play in the play-off final. During today's training session, the national team also practised passing with finishing shots, and finished the evening's work with a penalty kick.

Today the national team will head to Wroclaw. The Ukrainians will settle in the town of Trzebnica, where they already lived last September before the Euro 2024 qualifying game against England.

At 18:00 CET, the head coach of the national team of Ukraine Serhiy Rebrov and one of the players of the national team will meet with the media (online broadcast of the press conference - on the UAF Youtube channel), and at half past seven in the evening the official training of our team will begin, the first 15 minutes of which will be open to the media.

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