Mayor of Munich: "I really hope that this great success of the Ukrainian national team will energise the whole country and our p

Munich mayor Dieter Reiter has congratulated the Ukrainian national team on qualifying for Euro 2024.

Dieter Reiter

"I very much hope that this great success will energise the whole of Ukraine and our partner city Kiev. I am very happy that the Ukrainian national team will play its first European Championship match here in Munich (on 17 June, against Romania - ed.).

It was a great performance of the Ukrainian national team! Especially considering that the country has been suffering for more than two years because of the brutal Russian invasion war," Reuters told the SID news agency.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    28.03.2024 13:40
    Подяка керівництву Баварії за добрі слова і добрі дії по допомозі українським біженцям від жахів війни. У моєї дочки і онучок, які 1,5 року перебували в Баварії біля Оберсдорфу, гарні спогади про Баварію та її мешканців.
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