Borussia Dortmund beat Bayern Munich for the first time since 2014

2024-03-31 13:55 "Borussia Dortmund" on the road defeated Bayern (2:0) in the match of the 27th round of ... Borussia Dortmund beat Bayern Munich for the first time since 2014
31.03.2024, 13:55

"Borussia Dortmund" on the road defeated Bayern (2:0) in the match of the 27th round of the German championship.

Photo: Getty Images

For the club from Dortmund, this is the first victory over Bayern since 2019. Then they won with a score of 2-0 in the match for the German Super Cup.

In Munich, on the other hand, Borussia Dortmund have not beaten the Bavarians since 2014. Then Dortmund won with a score of 3-0.

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