Ruslan Rotan ignored the press conference after the game with "Minaj"

Oleksandriya coach Ruslan Rotan did not attend the press conference after the 2-2 match with Minaj in the 22nd round of the Ukrainian championship.

Ruslan Rotan

This was reported by journalist Igor Semyon on Telegram. He noted that Oleksandriya did not explain the reasons for ignoring the press conference.

He also wrote that Ivan Kalyuzhny was leaving the field using swear words. The Oleksandriya midfielder, in particular, was not satisfied with the players who came on as substitutes. He said they could not connect a couple of passes and the substitutions were harmful to the team.

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  • Den Den(den.zaporozhye) - Наставник
    31.03.2024 20:34
    Ротань - то, взагалі, загадка, а не тренер.
    Більш за все дивує, які дивіденди йому видають і як у нього вірять.
    Це тренер, у якого кредо: "не результат, а сам процес".
    Якщо його работодавців таке влаштовує, ну то їхні проблеми.
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