Andrii Yarmolenko: "I want to thank all my teammates. They took care of me during this month's training."

Dynamo midfielder Andriy Yarmolenko commented on his return to the pitch after an injury on UPL.TV.

Andrii Yarmolenko. Photo by O. Popov

- Andrii, welcome back! How are you feeling?

- Of course, I'm glad to be back, I've been away from football for almost six months. It was hard work. This is a very emotional day for me. First of all, I want to thank all our medical staff, everyone who worked with me during this time. Because of me, they stayed at the base and did not go home. I am very grateful to them.

I want to thank all my teammates, because they took care of me during this month's training. They didn't play hardball with me, so I'm also very grateful to them.

- Remember your goal.

- Brazhko made a great pass there, I had to score. It is his merit that I scored.

- Kabayev has opened up recently. You joked about the competition in the team...

- There is always competition in all teams, and that's good. We help each other grow. But it's great when you still have normal friendships. We have a great atmosphere in the team now, a great team. So, of course, we make jokes at each other. There is competition, there is a head coach who decides who plays. This is normal. You always have to be human, and it's better to be a positive person.

- When will you be ready to play from the start?

- I don't know, it's hard to say. I think I'm ready, but I need to live without emotions. The coaching staff will know when I'm ready. We need to gradually approach this, you can't go out and play 90 minutes right away after a break of six months. We'll see. I have a desire, but everything is up to the head coach.

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  • face face - Наставник
    31.03.2024 21:30
    Андрюша, гол красень!
    Як же я радий знову тебе бачити на поле, майстре.
    Туши так й далі!
    По голу в кожному матчі!
    З поверненням!
    • 9