Vadym Shabliy: "No one is firing Khatskevich, he is going to leave Zagreb on his own, because the team is a mess"

Aleksander Khatskevich's agent Vadim Shabliy commented on the information that his client was beaten by Polish fans and that Zagłębie is preparing to dismiss the Belarusian specialist.

Oleksandr Hatskevych. Photo: Getty Images

"No one beat Khatskevich, there were only attempts and threats against him by strange people, hooligans. The ProStar agency will defend Aleksandr Khatskevich in the legal field and under the contract. No one is firing him, Oleksandr Mykolayovych is going to leave Zaglembie himself because the team is in a mess," Shabliy said.

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  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    03.04.2024 16:14
    "Бардак" - це слова від Шаблія...
    Є дуже проста істина - "Якщо бардак не можна зупинити, то його потрібно очолити"... а Хацкевич разом із Шаблієм,даже в цьому не доганяють...-))
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