Sports doctor - on Tsygankov's injury

Sports doctor Dmytro Babelyuk, known for his work in Lviv Rukh, commented on the information about the injury of Girona midfielder Viktor Tsygankov.

Viktor Tsygankov. Photo: Getty Images

"Tsygankov has an injury to the calf muscle. Well, not even a month after Viktor's forced recovery from a knee ligament injury, the consequences didn't last long.

As I mentioned earlier, it was not so dangerous the forcing itself as the fact that Victor immediately started playing 80-90 minutes for the national team and club. Such tactics put the body under considerable strain after a long pause, which greatly increases the risk of any injury.

Michel has already confirmed the problem. It is not yet known how serious the injury is. It is hoped that it is just an overloaded muscle and there are no structural abnormalities there, which means that Victor will be able to play in a few days. If the injury of the calf muscle is confirmed, we are talking about at least 6-8 weeks of recovery, which means he will be out for the rest of the season.

Euro-2024 is coming, we need Victor ready. Now it is very important to solve this problem qualitatively and not to force the player's return, which can lead to long-term problems, as in the case of Zinchenko," Babelyuk wrote in his Telegram channel.

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