Thibaut Courtois on Lunin's missed goal: "The shot was harder than it looks"

Andriy Lunin's rival for a place in the Real Madrid goal, Thibaut Courtois, spoke about the Ukrainian's mistake in the match against Manchester City. Lunin missed a free-kick at the start of the Champions League quarter-final match.

Thibaut Courtois

Thibaut Courtois, who is recovering from injuries, believes that Lunin's missed goal was much more difficult than it might seem.

"It's more complicated than it looks at first glance. As soon as the ball touches the pitch, it's impossible to stop it because it's already above you," Courtois said.

The return leg between Real Madrid and Manchester City will take place on 17 April in Manchester, with the starting whistle blowing at 22:00 Kyiv time.

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  • nickmax - Старожил
    13.04.2024 13:57
    Куртуа все правильно сказав: мяч ударився об газон перед Луніним і пішов уже кручений вище Андрія. Але чому в стінці стояв один Вінісіус та ще й перед ударом змістився до центру? Мабуть , Террі Анрі правильно зауважив: у стінці повинно бути 2 гравця. А отже ,це помилка Луніна при установці стінки.
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