Ivan Kotukha: "It is our merit that Oleksandriya did not create anything"

Dynamo U-19 defender Ivan Kotukha shared his impressions of the match against Oleksandriya U-19 (2-1).

Ivan Kotukha (photo: fcdynamo.com)

- What was your mood when you went to the match in Oleksandriya? Were you expecting a tough game?

- We went to the game with the attitude that it was a crucial game. Now every match is like a final for us, we expected a tough game because we know that Oleksandriya is a very good opponent.

- Nevertheless, Oleksandriya didn't actually create a single chance at Dynamo's goal...

- It is rather our merit that the opponent did not create anything. They pressed us well, but we had been preparing for this match all week, we knew what to do in every situation.

- We managed to score two goals in the first half within two minutes. Was there any nervousness before these goals because of the result?

- I wouldn't say there was any excitement. We were playing our game, everyone was confident in their teammates, we were confident that we would score our goals and win.

- Did the quality of the pitch affect the game ?

- The pitch left a lot to be desired, but after the warm-up we were already adjusting to what we had.

- Dynamo's winning streak continues, the team is leading the league. Do you have any thoughts about the championship and getting into the UEFA Youth League?

- Of course! We approach every game as if it were the final, because we all want to win the championship and play in the UEFA Youth League.
