President: Metalista 1925: "Skrypnyk said: "We need Garmash". Here you need Garmash, please"

The president of Kharkiv "Metalist 1925" Vladimir Nosov told who was the initiator of appearance of midfielder Denis Garmash, known for his performances for Kyiv "Dynamo".

Vladimir Nosov

"Whatever I draw in my head, but the main word in building the team is for the head coach, Viktor Skrypnyk. He said: "We need Garmash. Here you have Garmash, please," - said Nosov on air Youtube-channel "Trendets".

Recall, Garmash joined Metalist 1925 last January, signing a contract with this club for a year and a half.

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  • Черкаський вареник - Наставник
    19.04.2024 11:19
    Металіст з Олександрією зіграв добе,а Олександрія не подарунок, Скрипник з г.вна пулю за так зразу не зробить Власник Металіста думає що взятий на шару Гармаш принесе серію перемог?
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