Agent told why Lucescu came to the match Dynamo vs Polesie

As it was already reported, yesterday's match of the 25th round of the Ukrainian championship between Kyiv Dynamo and Zhytomyr Polesie (3:0), held at the Dynamo stadium named after Valeriy Lobanovskiy, was attended by ex-head coach of the Bilo-Syni Mircea Lucescu.

Serhiy Rebrov and Mircea Lucescu at the Dynamo vs Polesie match

The 78-year-old specialist watched the game in the company of the head coach of the Ukrainian national team Serhiy Rebrov.

The unexpected visit of the titled specialist to Ukraine immediately gave rise to rumours about his goal. According to one version, Polesie are interested in Lucescu's coaching services, and according to another - as if the Dynamo club has not yet fully settled with the Romanian after the termination of cooperation.

However, football agent Arcadii Zaporozhanu, who represents Lucescu's interests, denied both these versions.

"There is absolutely no such thing. Both are lies. It's just that he came for a visit. We will also return together to Ukraine in May, having attended several matches," Zaporozhanu said.

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    22.04.2024 08:57
    Луческу просто так в Украину не приехал. Обязательно есть какая-то причина. Только в данном сообщении ответа на этот вопрос не последовало. "Просто он приехал в гости" - понятие очень растяжимое.
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