UAF Referees Committee comments on episode of Minaj - Dynamo match

The Committee of Referees of the Ukrainian Football Association has explained the interpretation of the controversial game episode of the match of the 16th round of the 2023/2024 Ukrainian Championship between Minaj and Dynamo.

"Minaj vsDynamo. Thereferee is Oleksandr Shandor. VAA - Denys Shurman.

64 mins.

Player # 99 (Minaj) is ahead of striker # 9 (Dynamo), who is trying to shoot on goal with his right foot. Player No. 99 clearly plays the ball with his foot and does not touch the opponent (therefore, it is not a foul). The attacker, in his normal/natural movement when attempting to shoot, kicks the opponent in the torso, so it is no more than a normal foul (recklessness) without any additional sanctions.

It is for this reason that the BAA has limited itself to a silent review.

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Best comment
  • sedoj седой(sedoj) - Эксперт
    22.04.2024 22:39
    Что за бред? №9 это Волошин? 64-я минута?

    Вот запись этого матча:

    Просмотрел игровой отрезок с 63-й по 66-ю минуту - Волошин в этом промежутке времени вообще мяча не касался!
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