In the opponent's camp. On the eve of Euro 2024, the Romanian national team has yet another personnel loss, the fifth in a row

News from the camp of Ukraine's rival in the Euro 2024 group. The Romanian national team continues to suffer personnel losses on the eve of the start of the European Championship.

Andrei Burke

This time we are talking about the Romanian national team's centre-back Andrei Burca, who in another match for his club - Saudi Arabian Al-Ahdud - suffered a torn leg muscle. The chances that the 31-year-old footballer will recover before Euro 2024 are minimal.

Earlier, the Romanian national team lost its attacking midfielder Olimpiu Morutzan - he has a ruptured Achilles tendon, and he will definitely not play at the European Championship.

In addition, the participation in Euro-2024 of Romania's captain Vlad Chiriches, midfielder Vladimir Skrechu and striker Gheorghe Puskash is also in doubt - all of them have also suffered injuries that require a long recovery.
