UAF Vice President: "There is already an agreement with Adidas on equipment"

Oleksandr Shevchenko, Vice President of the Ukrainian Football Association, said that the Ukrainian national team will have a new technical sponsor, Adidas.

Oleksandr Shevchenko

"We have started to cooperate with new partners. We already have an agreement with Adidas on equipment. We will also have an automotive partner. Many investors didn't want to work with the old team because they had a negative reputation. I have set myself the goal that as long as I work in the UAF, I will do everything in my power to ensure that there are no incorrect payments, misuse of funds, illegal actions against the subjects of football relations - players, referees, coaches, etc. Our common goal is for our football to set an example for Ukrainian society and become a model for the global community.

The UAF has already introduced many changes to the system of procurement of material and technical goods and services. Transparent tender procedures in these matters have been launched. And this is already beginning to have a positive impact on the financial condition of the organisation. As an example, I can cite the situation with the use of football fields and grounds that are on the UAF's balance sheet. Over the past two months, the Association's accounts have already received more than two million hryvnias of non-refundable financial assistance. While previously, funds from this type of activity disappeared in an unknown direction.

I would also like to appeal to journalists and bloggers: do not hype on the negative. The UAF is open to dialogue and ready to listen to both criticism and suggestions," Shevchenko said.

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