"Vorskla is ready to triple Isenko's salary, but the goalkeeper intends to continue his career in Europe

As Sport.ua has learnt, Vorskla have not yet reached an agreement with Pavlo Isenko on the extension of his contract. The 20-year-old goalkeeper's current deal expires at the end of this season.

Pavlo Isenko

According to the source, Isenko receives about $5,000 per month in Poltava. "Vorskla is ready to triple this amount. The goalkeeper and the club are currently in dialogue.

The main obstacle to a new contract is the player's clause. The goalkeeper wants it to be no more than 1 million euros, and the club wants to remove the option of a fixed amount from the contract. It should be noted that despite the end of the contract, Isenko will not leave the club for free. The player's new club will have to pay Vorskla compensation for the player's upbringing. The amount can reach 250-300 thousand euros.

Isenko himself intends to continue his career in Europe. Clubs from Poland, Hungary, Sweden and Belgium are interested in his services.
