The UAF Committee of Referees in the match "Dnipro-1" - "Dynamo" did not see a penalty on Brazhko and called correct the removal

The Committee of referees of the Ukrainian Football Association (UAF) together with the arbitration consultant Nicola Rizzoli explained the interpretation of controversial game episodes of the match of the 26th round of the championship between Dnipro-1 and Dynamo Kyiv (1:2).

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"88 minute. Player #5 (Dnipro-1), taking a risk, hugged player #6 (Dynamo) with both hands. We cannot state that these actions affect and cause the attacker to fall and constitute a restraint hindering his motor capabilities. Therefore it is a contradictory situation to consider such a thing as an offence because of the lack of a sense of influence. We consider that play should continue precisely because the mere fact of holding does not affect a player who, slipping on the turf, loses his balance and falls, and we do not wish to award an "easy" penalty.

For the reasons described above, with no clear images to demonstrate the effect of a hug on a striker's fall, VAR has rightly limited itself to making a silent test. We consider it appropriate to note that even if a penalty had been awarded, VAR could not have intervened for the same reasons because it could not have clearly demonstrated that there was no connection between the hug and the striker's fall.

88th minute. Player No. 24 (Dynamo) commits a serious game offence by kicking an opponent from behind and being unable to play the ball. In such situations it is necessary to remember the requirements of FIFA and UEFA aimed at protecting the safety of players and stipulating a mandatory red card for kicking an opponent from behind with high speed, jumping (i.e. lack of control over one's own body) when there is no possibility of fighting for the ball," reads the official UAF website.

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