Kolos sporting director: "Two years ago we couldn't afford to sign Burda"

2024-05-05 13:54 Kolos sporting director Vitalii Lysytskyi is pleased that the club has signed former Dynamo defender Mykyta ... Kolos sporting director: "Two years ago we couldn't afford to sign Burda"
05.05.2024, 13:54

Kolos sporting director Vitalii Lysytskyi is pleased that the club has signed former Dynamo defender Mykyta Burda.

Vitaly Lisitsky

"We recruit as much as our budget allows. Two years ago, we could not afford to sign Burda. We are very pleased that Mykyta was able to restart his career at Kolos. Apparently, he was under a lot of pressure when he was 19-20 years old, so he couldn't reach his peak," Lysytskyi said.

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21.06.2024, 02:47
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